I have been on a hiatus for several months in the blogging world because I created a side hustle that would help me increase my income.  I feel that I needed to create another income stream because my day job salary is just really not enough.  Aside from that, I also wanted to increase my savings so that I can also beef up my investments. This article shares about side hustles you can do while keeping your day job.

Why Do Side Hustle aside from Your Full-time Day Job

There are several reasons why people do side hustles. I myself create side hustles because I feel that my remuneration in my day job is just not enough. Well, it may be enough to just come by, but with the country’s soaring inflation rate, I just feel that my salary is not coping up. Others do it to transition themselves from being in the 9-5 corporate jobs to going self-employment.

Side Hustles You Can Do While Keeping your Day Job, Mom Finance Blog

Side Hustles You Can Do While Keeping your Day Job

1. Sell Items Online

Selling  online can really be lucrative.  You can post your items to many online selling platforms and earn income from it.  You can also take advantage of the vast Facebook marketplace.  A lot of people are now on facebook and if there are people, there is business.So take advantage of it.

2. Be an Online Tutor

There are many Filipinos who are in the online tutorial industry simply because it pays well. If you are well-versed in English language and as long as you have the patience in dealing both kids and adults teaching them English language, you can do it.  There are plenty of online tutorial sites and they offer attractive per-hour payments.  Many of them offer training if you are a newbie.

3. Be an Insurance Agent

Being in the world of sales can be financially rewarding. As long as you produce sales, you will be rewarded with sizable commissions.  Other perks that you will get are travel incentives aside from cash.  The best part of being an insurance agent is you can use your commissions to pay for your own personal insurance premiums.

4. Be a Real Estate Agent

Real Estate is one of the industries benefiting the  country’s  economic boom.  Be part of the real estate growth in the Philippines by selling properties.  As mandated by the law, a real estate salesperson should be under the direction of a licensed real estate broker. As a salesperson, your license will be an extension of the licensed real estate broker where you are under of.  So, contact a licensed real estate broker and sell properties in your area.

5. Engage in Direct Selling

Direct selling is also one of the many ways that employed individual earn from as a side hustle.  There are many direct selling companies looking for people interested to sell their items like Avon, MSE, personal collection and many others.

6. Start a Blog

Starting a blog is not as cash demanding as starting a business. A lot of bloggers are earning a decent money from there online presence.  This is manifested in many bloggers who reveal their income reports.  If a blog has a sizable following and traffic, brand ambassadors would advertise to these blogs, thus creating income for the blog owners.  There are many ways on monetizing a blog such as sponsored posts or reviews, advertorials, inserting network ads on ones website, affiliate marketing, selling ones own products and others.

There you have it guys. Some side hustles you can start to get you faster to your financial goals.